Pink Ponies

Charm Bracelet

Cheerilee #2
2008 "Best Friends" Single
2009 Discount Single

Comet Tail

Crystal Lace

Fantastical February

Hula Lula

July Jubilee

Juniper Jade



Magic Marigold II

March Mischief

May Belle

MLP Fair 2008 US

November Nights

Penny Candy

Pinkie Pie VII
(no glitter, darker body)
2008 Pinkie Pie's Party
2008 2-pack

Pinkie Pie (Prize)
2005 Sonrics Candy (MEX)

Pinkie Pie (Prize)
2005 McDonald's

Pinkie Pie (Prize)
2005 Church's Chicken
2006 Taco Bueno

Pinkie Pie (Prize)
2008 McDonald's

Pinkie Pie (Prize)
2009 Dolly Mix (UK)

Pinkie Pie (Prize)
2009 McDonalds (US)
2010 McDonalds (AUS)

Pinkie Pie (Other)
2004 Tiny Tin

Pinkie Pie (Other)
2003 Keychain

Pinkie Pie (Other)
Keychain Buddy (Japan)

Pinkie Pie (Other)
Game Rug

Pinkie Pie (Other)
Welcome to Ponyville!
Busy Books Figure

Pinkie Pie (Bath)
Bubble Bath Container

Pinkie Pie (Bath)
Bubble Bath Topper

Pinkie Pie (Bath)
Toothbrush Holder (UK)

Pinkie Pie (Bath)
Toothbrush Holder

Pinkie Pie (Bath)
Lipbalm Topper

Pinkie Pie (Cake)
Mini Cake Topper

Pinkie Pie (Cake)
Cake Decorating Kit

Pinkie Pie (Candy)
Lollipop Spinner

Pinkie Pie (Candy)
Mini Spin Pop

Pinkie Pie (Candy)
Candy Toppers

Pinkie Pie (Playdoh)
Playdoh Topper

Pinkie Pie (Playdoh)
Playdoh Figure

Pinkie Pie (Stamper)
Comic Free Gift (France)

Pinkie Pie (Watch)


(SLH, tinsel)
2006 Rarity the Unicorn

("Licensing Show" on symbol)
2006 Licensing Show

(regular length hair/no tinsel)
2006 Rainbow Princess Castle

(no hoof heart/magnet)
2007 4-pack (Euro)

(3d Symbol)
2007 Favorite Friends

Rarity (Styling)
2006 Styling Pony
2007 Styling Pony bonus 8
2007 Styling Pony bonus 10

Ribbons and Bows

Ribbons & Hearts

Rose Garden

Royal Ribbon

Royal Twist

Sapphire Shores


Star Bright (McD)

Strawberry Sunset

Sunny Sparkle(s)

Sunshine Blossom


Toola Roola #1

Toola Roola #1 II

Toola-Roola #2

Toola-Roola #2 II



Twilight Pink


Wind Drifter

Wind Wisher
DISCLAIMER: This website is for informational purposes only and is intended to assist the Pony Collecting Community. Some images on this site are property of Hasbro and have been borrowed for non-profit use. Other images have been donated by various contributors. Please do not use them without permission.
This site is not affiliated with Hasbro, Inc. My Little Pony, its characters, names, and their distinctive likenesses are trademarks of Hasbro, Inc. All Rights Reserved Worldwide.